Boarding done Better.
Boarding at House of Paws can’t be duplicated. Boarding represents a home environment more than anything else. We provide dogs with the look and feel of home making them comfortable to play, learn, and enjoy themselves. Although we do have kennels for dogs that need them, each dog is given the opportunity to be kennel-free.
Our 6ft fenced-in yard offers dogs plenty of space and enrichment while avoiding the stimuli of the community. Our model creates well-thought-out social groups to promote appropriate play to maintain and improve sociability while preventing the creation of concerning behaviors.
Every measure in our environment is deliberate to ensure every dog can be the best they can be.
Crates and gates are used to keep dog safely separated during meal times, sleep, or off rotation times. And yes… some dogs even get to sleep in bed with us!
Dogs do best when provided outlets for their specific needs. We offer species-appropriate play, training, walks, hikes, and field trips.
Dogs always have access to fresh water, toys, and something comfortable to lay on. We use their downtime and off-rotation times to provide them with mental enrichment using snuffle mats, licky mats, and frozen Kongs.
Pickup and Drop-off By Appointment.
Daycare is included in your boarding price.
*We do not allow pickups or drop-offs on holidays
We offer pickup and drop-off in our surrounding areas for 20$ each way.
Holiday Pricing: +10$ per night per dog
Pickup and Drop-off By Appointment.
Daycare is included in your boarding price.
*We do not allow pickups or drop-offs on holidays
We offer pickup and drop-off in our surrounding areas for 20$ each way.
Holiday Pricing: +10$ per night per dog
Pickup and Drop-off By Appointment.
Daycare is included in your boarding price.
*We do not allow pickups or drop-offs on holidays
We offer pickup and drop-off in our surrounding areas for 20$ each way.
Holiday Pricing: +10$ per night per dog