Ready to ENJOY life with your dog?

  • Board and Train

    Set your dog up for success with a solid foundation with general obedience and behavior correction.

  • Private Lessons

    Lessons for dogs AND humans that allows owners to learn and cooperate every step if the way.

  • Day n Train

    Drop your dog off for the day to improve sociability and promote appropriate behaviors.

Board and Train

Board and Trains are perfect for any owner and pet. Our programs are specialized to fit the individual needs of your dog and your family. No program is alike. Dogs are able to learn right in the trainers home, allowing the training to easier translate back to your home. Guaranteed program results vary based on each individual dog.

1 Week Leash Manners Course- 600$

2 Week Board and Train- 1800-2100$

3 Week Board and Train-2700-2950$

4 Week Board and Train- 3800$

Private Lessons

Perfect for dogs and owners who have just a few things to work on! Although this program requires more owner participation, the bond you create with your dog is unmatched. Private Lessons allow the trainer to teach both dog AND owner. Length and Price of lesson depends on each dogs specific needs.

Puppy- 75$

Adult- 100$

Reactive Dog- 150$

*This price does not include equipment